No Borders Aircraft Solution was created in 2020, the year in which it began its first steps in the aeronautical world, since its inception it has been providing private pilot services, located in the United States.
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  • The user is responsible for the use of the website.
  • Browsing, accessing and using the nobordersaircraftsolutions.com website confers the condition of user, by which they accept, from browsing the website, all the conditions of use established here without prejudice to the application of the corresponding regulations of mandatory legal compliance depending on the case.
  • The user is responsible for providing truthful information in their registration or contribution of data.
  • This website uses SSL security certificate technology for secure transactions.
Copyright infringement:
  • In the case of use or use of any of the photos or images belonging to nobordersaircraftsolutions.com, the author will immediately report the theft due to copyright infringement.
Data Protection:
  • The information and personal data provided by our clients receive the treatment established in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Protection of Personal Data. Nobordersaircraftsolutions.com is responsible for the correct use of this data and recognizes its customers the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the use of their data. To do this, they must send a letter indicating their desire to exercise this right through an email addressed to the address: info@nobordersaircraftsolutions.com All data is processed only to manage the services and to be able to make special offers to our clients.
Use of information:
  • We use your personal information to process and manage our services.
  • We use your personal information (email and phone number) to communicate with you.
  • The information of our clients is not sold or rented to third parties.